Lessons, Recipes, The Journey

Finger Coils:My Experience

Twisting my hair right out of the shower has become almost like second nature.

I dont even think about it. My hands just go straight to the back of my head immediately I rinse out the conditioner out of my hair. It doesn’t take me that long to do my twists anymore (seeing as I have been doing this for 18+ months now!)


Needless to say, this can get really boring.


I thought doing some finger coils would be a welcome change to my weekly wash,moisturize, seal, twist and take down routine.


I sprayed my hair with aloe vera juice + water mix out of the shower and got to it.

Finger coils are really easy to do . That said, It takes a while….a long while to do the whole head especially of you’re doing them in really small sections.

It took me a little over two hours to finish and my hands were begging for a rest by the time I was done.

I kept spritzing my AVJ mixture as I went along since you need your hair to be wet to do finger coils.

A lot of naturalistas use gel for this. Gel helps hold the curls for longer. AVJ worked for me.

Detangling, is also important from what I gather. I usually try not to put a comb through my hair out of the shower as much as I can and in this caseI didn’t detangle as I went along.

I’m not sure if that affected the outcome but I didn’t have that many tangles and I’ve recently trimmed my hair, so the ends weren’t that much of a problem


I dont know if I liked the result though. I expected a head full of finger coils after I was done but mine were just flat. I guess that’s the best I could describe it. I’m not sure whether its because I didn’t use gel or because of the thickness of my hair [shrug]…and also there wasn’t much I could do in terms of styling compared to the options I usually have with good ol’ twist outs. Maybe I should have gone for much smaller sections…

Finger Coils

This is actually my second attempt at finger coiling…maybe I’ll have a better result next time


One good thing is that finger coils last a really long time and don’t unwind as fast as twist outs.


All I did the entire time was to spritz them with my AVJ mixture and seal with EVOO in the mornings and that was it. Minimal maintenance  🙂


That said I got bored after a week and a half. Ha ha ha! Plus I’m used to washing my hair at least once a week.


So I took them down one by one (which was painfully long) , pre-poo’d ,then co-washed and DC’d.


Here are Jouelzy and Carmen of My Natural Sistas to get you started on your finger coils……






Lemme know how it goes ok? Send me pics of your finger coils and I’ll feature them here!









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